Sunday, September 18, 2011

The end of summer

Today officially marked the end of summer for the Banguilan household. Today . . . we/I took down the pool. We had so much fun with it and go figure, just as the season was coming to an end, that's when I finally figured out how the keep it balanced. Owell. It's all clean and packed up and ready for next years adventures.
Anna was actually home today so it was mostly a couch day for her and the kids (even though Lilli helped me occasionally). It was a great day and the weather was perfect. With all of the tv time, I decided we needed a little walk so after dinner we trekked up to our corner store for "desert". (pictures below)
So I have to admit that the last few weeks have been a bit challenging for me but today I realized just how lucky / blessed I really am. From my neighbor who has mowed my grass all summer to my amazing partner who is working her butt off to support us, to my kids who surprise me everyday, to my amazing parents (all 4 of them) who never waver in their faith in me. If I know anything, I know that today I am loved! My only hope is that I can give even just a fraction of that love back out.
In love and light,

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