Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Day!!!

Here in GA, it's pretty rare that we get snow and when we do, it surely doesn't stick arourd too long so we quickly took advantage of it. Jaiden and I stayed in mostof the day while it snowed, and snowed, and snowed... 3-4" total. Before the sun went down, we managed to get all dressed up and outside. (all 4 of us.) Here are a few pictures...
Love and hugs,
Steph, Anna, Jaiden and Lilli

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Part 2

Here are a few misc pictures from my camera. I found that toting 2 kids and a camera is often impractical so the phone is a blessing.
Jaiden at the park exploring all of the different ways to go down the slide.

Sister Love!

Beautiful babies!! (even though Jaiden says he's a big boy.)

The Yellow River Game Ranch.

Happy Hair!

Not so happy hair...

Even with a bow, the hair still wins.

This is from Christmas day when the big boys (Tommy and Davie) race their rc cars. Jaiden had to get in on the action so... If you listen, you can hear him say "Watch out, race cars coming through."

I think this one speaks for itself.

Love and hugs!

Steph, Anna, Jaiden and Lilli

ps - Anna is doing great too. Maybe she will hijack the blog again and tell you for herself ;)

Wow, it's been a while

So I just realized just how long its been since I updated the blog and to my defense, I tried about a month ago. I got a few pictures uploaded and someone needed something so... I guess we'll start with Christmas. It was wonderful! We went down to FL which we haven't done in a while and of course, Jaiden loved all of the attention and Lilli got plenty of hugs (not to mention all of the presents that both kids got. A BIG Thanks to all!) Above is one version of the traditional "family photo" which is always amusing. It's great to see how the family has changes over the past 30+ years.

I recently read a book in my quest to become an API leader that really inspired me and got me thinking about family and the real meaning of the word. The book was "Hold on to your Kids" and it was all about attachment, what that means and how to create it. In years past, society was set up to foster the child's attachment to an adult (usually the parents) but now, with technology going faster than traditions, parents need to actively pursue a relationship with their kids. One part of the book was about creating traditions. I realize now that my family DOES have them, I really enjoy them, and I want to share them with my children. I guess have kids of your own lets you stop and think about what is important. For me, it's my kids.
Speaking of which, we have all enjoyed me staying home with them. Jaiden thoroughly enjoys the library and the park (when it's warm enough) and Lilli LOVES the bath (see the pics below).

Gilbert loves everyone but especially Lilli. It seems like whenever I am nursing or she is sitting somewhere, he is right next to (or on top of) her. Sometimes he will play with her but we try to limit that behavior since his play includes his needle like appendages.

I still struggle to get Jaiden in the bath but when I succeed, he has a great time. I am constantly trying to find some new use for an old thing that will entice him to de-stink so on this occasion, it was a pitcher. These pictures are definitely going in the scrap book. He is not bathing with sister yet but I'm hopeful that when she gets a bit bigger, they will have pitchers of fun together.

With the extra time of us being home, we had the opportunity to make a cake. One evening, while Anna and Jaiden were on YouTube, they came across this cake so... we made it. Of course jaiden had as much fun eating it as he did making it but that's what it's all about, right!

Lilli, on the other hand, would probably stay in the bath 24-7 if she could. that is my secret weapon if she gets too fussy, which isn't too often but it's still good to have. She is a GREAT baby but I often say how could a baby not be great. Last week she started blowing bubbles and just yesterday, she rolled over 3 times! She sleeps great at night and it helps a lot that she is in our room.

( I figured I'd include a picture of me for once...)

Jaiden's breakfast face: frozen blueberries.
I'm going to upload a few videos and a few more pictures from my phone so stay tuned.
For those of you that are interested, I am in the process of becoming an API Leader. That stands for Attachment Parenting International. You can get more information at but to me, it's all about parenting with love and respect. I will keep you up to date as to my progress.
Love and hugs!
Steph, Anna, Jaiden and Lilli