Sunday, February 15, 2009


Yesterday, before we went to the circus, Jaiden and I had to run a few errands including the bank. Lately, he has taken to "spelling" the signs he sees while we're out and yesterday was no exception. He knows the bank because he gets a lollipop so while we were at the teller window, he was "spelling" the signs. He said "F-D-I-C "Bank!" I told the teller and we got a wonderful laugh for the day!
Love and hugs...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Big Apple Circus

Happy V-Day 2009!
This year, we took a trip to the Big Apple Circus at Stone Mountain Park. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. There were lots of very talented actors there and Jaiden had a blast. (the adults did too.) We went with Rose and Charlotte so when Jaiden and Charlotte get together, they always have a great time. I think Jaiden's favorite part was the jugglers (or the dogs but just because they brought the dogs out in a train.) Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment.
Love and hugs,
Steph, Anna, and Jaiden
Jaiden and Charlotte at Wendy's before the show.

Anna and Charlotte goofing-off during intermission.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jaiden's Bike

I promised an update on the bike Jaiden got for christmas so here is it. This past week, he finally showed intrest in it again and got on it. To my wonderful suprise, he can actually ride it. He even loves his red he-met (helmet). Here is a short video.
Love and hugs,
Steph, Anna, and Jaiden

My Dilly Bread

While we were in MI, Sheryl sharred lots of great recipies with me. My favorite so far is the Dilly Bread. It's really easy and it tastes great.

Thanks MIMI!!!

Christmas Adventure - Catchup

Since it's almost Valentine's Day, I thought it would be a good time to do a little catchup from Christmas... We had a wonderful Christmas morning with lots of presents for (guess who) Jaiden. The best was the big-boy bike that Patpat and Mimi got him. I think he was a little overwhelmed because it is so much bigger than his old one but just last week he learned to ride it. (See the next post.) We all got a little something but most of all, a lot of smiles. After we opened all of the presents, we decided to go sledding. Sheryl took up to her old stomping grounds to the most perfect sledding hill ever. We purchased 1 toboggan (I now know the difference between a toboggan and a sled) and 1 flying saucer and Sheryl had 1 saucer too. Jaiden would only ride the red toboggan I think because it was like a car. The further he got down the hill, the bigger his smile got. Toward the end of the trip, he realized that it was better to ride with momma, not because he loves me sooooo much but because with more weight, you go faster... It' didn't take up too long for us walk away happy, batter and bruised. I actually outlasted Jaiden and Pat even went down (once.)

We ate like kings (/queens) the whole trip so Christmas day was no exception. The only difference was that I cooked Christmas dinner and gave Sheryl the evening off. It's been a while since I cooked such a big meal and I really enjoyed it! After dinner, everyone let me rest while they cleaned. That was the best show I've seen in years.

The rest of the trip was quite. Friday I finished Pat and Sheryl's hats and scarfs and went out for some after Christmas sales while Jaiden and Anna's routine consisted of: eat, play, eat, sleep, repeat. The weather was nice for the trip home and the drive was uneventful. We got home Sunday afternoon to a VERY Sick cat. He is much better now after some great vet care and way too much money than I care to admit.
All and all, we had a GREAT trip and if we're had, we plan to go back soon. We love you Patpat and Mimi!!!
Hugs and Love,
Steph, Anna and Jaiden
Jaiden's new Bike!!!
His tea set.
Pat and mimi's new digital photo frame.

It's hard work opening all of those presents. He feel asleep at 11:00 am under the table.

The (frozen) lake where we go camping in the summer.

Pat walking up.

Nanay hauling jaiden up the hill.

momma and nanay on their way up.

Christmas Dinner (for 4.5)

Pat and Mimi showing off their new hats!