Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The "real" story....by Nanay

It was a few days after her official due date and all through the house nothing was stirring, ok, Steph was stirring, being quiet as a mouse.

We started our hypnosis scripts and that just wouldn't do, so we found a rocker and some toast, nothing really new.

We relaaaaaaaxed and used our peeaaacccce ques, Kerry would be so proud, we were very calm and not very loud.

Call the midwife.."call back in 30, don't put her in water, it will slow things down.

Baby is on its way and the midwife is heading to town!

Mary (Steph's mom) hears us stirring and comes in to see. "What can i do?" Some towels and some blankies please....

No stopping now baby is on the way, she is wanting to come out and play....

We put steph in the shower to settle things down, it's as if we knew that speaker phone would have to do as midwife became coach, talking us through...

Watch for the head, watch for the cord, gently guide, a little pull and then sliiiiide... she had her water birth...so, it was in the tub, what a great way to come into the world...rub a dub dub...

Our little girl is here with very little fuss, gran-gran here to help was a great plus!

She has been weighed and measured, kissed and loved, too bad I didn't have time to get my catchers glove!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved that story. What a great memory for her to read when she is older. Congrats to everyone!!!!

*love* Kim Francis