Saturday, October 17, 2009

39 weeks+ and a little catch-up

In preparation for our new little one's arrival, I've been cleaning, organizing, cleaning, cooking and buying the necessary items. Part of this process includes cleaning out the camera where I found some great pictures of some of our latest adventures (that I have neglected to put up.)

We've been very busy in the past month with an art show, a baby shower, belly casting and general preparations so we'll start with the art show. On September 26, 2009, Anna hosted yet another art show at her gallery (/our studio). For this one, she joined up with a local art teacher, Anita, and sponsored an art contest for kids. The name of the contest was "Art is for the Birds" in honor of Anna's mom who loved chickens and the fact that Anita loved penguins. Any submission that had to do with chickens or penguins was accepted. There were 8 awards given and included a free class at Anita's ArtsCool in Buford to each 'winner'. We had a great turn out with a lot of variety. In addition to all of the kids art, Anna had some new artist featuring their work as well. Anna and Jesika still showed a good bit of their work too. the evening was a great success that included a TV crew, live music by Reklin, face painting, a graffiti wall for all to contribute to and live art by Anna herself. (I didn't stay for the entire show as I was quite tired but Jaiden and I did make an appearance.) We didn't get pictures for that night but here is Anita and some of her art. If you would like to stop by, all of the art is still up and will be for another month. I think Anna is planning another show in the beginning of December but we'll keep you posted.

On to the baby shower...

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends who decided that second babies need a little attention too. On Oct 3, Martina and Jesika threw a "She's about to pop" baby shower. We had a great time and Jaiden even got a lot of cool stuff too. Thanks to all that came out to celebrate the arrival of Banguilan baby 2 and of course to Martina and Jess for everything!

When I was pregnant with Jaiden, We decided that a great way to celebrate the pregnancy was to get some maternity photos taken. I really enjoyed the experience as well as looking back at the pictures. For this pregnancy, we decided to change it up a bit so we did a belly casting. For those who don't know what that is, basically you take a plaster mold of your pregnant belly then (if you choose) decorate it however you would like. In true Anna and Steph fashion, we invited a few friends (Jess - the other resident artist who is studying plaster casting in her 3d art class right now, and Crystal - our good friend, artist, fellow screen printer and photographer for 'the event') and made it a party. It was great fun, really messy, and went a lot quicker that we all thought but the casting turned out great.

Through all of the preparations, Jaiden has been the wonderful and amazing child that he has always been so it was a wonderful surprise and blessing that one of our clients (who has 2 young boys too) stopped by this week with a hugh box of dress up clothes that were just Jaiden's size. When I think of dress-up, I think of little girls but boys love it too. Throughout the past week, Jaiden has been trying one each of the costumes, posing for a quick picture and then promptly taking them off. I guess the act of getting dressed is more fun than the act of pretending to be something you know nothing about... Anyways, here are a few pictures and big thanks to Sherri!!!

So last but certainly not least, baby #2. As I write this, I am 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Anna and I are both very excited about meeting our new arrival even though I think we are the only ones being patient about it. We have all of our necessary supplies for the birth and beyond. I checked the weather and all is clear so we don't have to worry about the roads washing out. My mom is on here way up as we speak so now... we wait. I am constantly thinking of "one more thing" to do or to get but in reality, we're ready. Things have been feeling a bit different the past day or so but nothing major so next week, I'm going to spend with my mom and my wonderful son just relaxing and enjoying being a family of 3 until we become a wonderful family of 4. I have so many things I want to share with he new baby but I think that will not be on the world wide web. So for all of you out there waiting with baited breath, have no fear, we will post pictures as soon as he or she decides that the time in finally right.

With MANY hugs and loves,

Steph, Anna, Jaiden and bb2

ps - and yes, I can still smile at 39 weeks! ;)

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