This past weekend our little boy turned 4!!! It was bit low key but we all had a great time. (My mom and I came to the realization that unless something really good or really bad happens, you don't remember your birthdays so I just wanted him to have a good time.) We had a sand box out back and bubbles out front and a home made green car cake. If I had to pick a theme, it would be "Jaiden's favorites": green, cars, dirt, friends. When he was opening presents, my favorite response was "wowser!" in response to the Rescue Mater shirts and short he got from Aunt Tenten (aka Martina). The Lego shirt he got from Patpat and Mimi was dirty otherwise he would have worn it. (I was lucky to get it in the wash because he has been wearing it for 4 days (with 1 wash in between.) And now, he dreams in Lego's... We missed the Michaels so Cathy, these are for you...
Love and hugs,
Steph, Anna, Jaiden, and Lilli
The Pre-Party

The Main Event!!!
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