Today we went to the Orlando Science Center. This is a place that I have very fond memories of from when I was little. It's changed a lot but it's still very cool. They have since moved to a new building and added a bunch of new things for kids of all ages. The first thing we did was "pick oranges" and it turned out to be Jaiden's favorite. The kids would "pick" the oranges off the tree then put them in 1 of 2 places. I think he spent 30 min in this room alone...

The next stop was the kitchen which is always a hit with my boy. This one was even red so it was a fire kitchen.

After that was the water table. This is one of the better ones that we've seen. It's basically a flat table with pegs in it that moves water from one end to the other. The kids would then use the blue and yellow barriers to divert the water different ways. Then they could use the boats to show where the current way flowing... He had a blast and he was very focused.

Of course they had a transportation room which was again, set up very nicely with trains, planes and a space shuttle. (Grandma liked this room because there were nice soft couches.)

As with most museums, they had a rotating exhibit. The one we saw was frogs. Jaiden was not very impressed with this one but this tank was pretty cool...

Then we came to the room that reminded me of the old science center with all of the classic stuff. The one that captivated Jaiden was the pine car track. He mist have run that car down the track 20 times and he was so focused! Grandma and I got to play with a lot of the other toys but we'll have to come back when Jaiden is a bit older.

Another traveling exhibit was the Dino's. Again, Jaiden was not very impressed. He just wanted to see the one that moved. Jess and Anna wanted a video of Lilli 'growling' in front of the Dino's but no luck. The closest I got was a picture.
Last but not least was the toy room. Grandma and I were quite tired by this time but Jaiden was still going strong. They had this great house where the kids could build the house. I think he earned his contractors license today...

It was a great day. We were sad that Nanay wasn't there too but we'll come back. Lilli has been learning b leaps and bounds. She can now roll with ease and is even pushing up on her hands. I call this baby yoga. She is so tickled with her new skill. Tomorrow is fishing with grandpa guy so more picture to come...

In love and light,
Steph, (Anna), Jaiden and Lilli