As far a baby 2 goes, we are both doing very well. We are just past 20 weeks now and I promise to get some updated pictures of me too. We are still not going to find out if it is a girl or a boy but everyone (except my sister) thinks it's a girl. I guess we'll find out for sure when she is ready. I'm feeling really good so I've started tackling the room switch project. (We are taking the guest bedroom/craft room and turning it into Jaiden's big boy room and the nursery will stay just that with some updated decor. It's a REALLY big project but I'm making some progress.) I'll post some pictures when I have a chance.
Business is finally picking up so we are all staying really busy. Anna is still holding her Law of Attraction meetings and she is also starting a improve comedy group. My classes are going good even if they are not as full as I would like and our wonderful son is just that; completely and utterly amazing. His latest thing is playing the air guitar and fishing of the back deck. I hope to get some good videos soon so I'll keep you posted. For now...
Love and hugs,
Steph, Anna, Jaiden and ???
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