So, if you've been reading along this year, you know that we've decided to get a little crazy and travel north for the holidays; WAY NORTH! We decided to visit
PatPat and Mimi on Grand Haven Michigan. (That's about in the middle of the pinkie.) It's about a 14 hour drive for us so we decided to take 2 day for the drive. The first night we did really good and made it to Indianapolis for the night. We wanted to get an early start the next day because we heard that there was a front moving in. When we woke up on Sunday morning, the high was 9 (I think.) When we got into the car, the thermostat read 6 and just went down from there. The lowest it got was -1. Needless to say, we didn't get out of the car. When we talked to Pat, she said it was about 12 here so... Anna and I were
fascinated but the dropping mercury but
Jaiden was ... asleep and unimpressed. It was VERY windy so it was hard to tell when it started snowing or if it was just the wind blowing the snow off the fields but it was beautiful. When we crossed the MI
broder, it started to snow pretty heavy. Then it got a little worse... and a little worse still. Me being a southern girl, I figured it would be wimpy to stop and wasn't this how it was all of the time up here??? Well, we made it here safely and we were greeted with a warm hugs and apple pie in the table. (Really!) Later, when we were watching the news, we found out that we drove through one of the worst storms this area has seen in a long time. There were/are blizzard warning out for the whole coast. All is well now and we are having a wonderful time!
Jaiden LOVES the snow. We had to go out today and but him snow pants, boots, and new gloves. (they really don't sell the
proper snow attire in GA. go figure.) He has no problem putting all of the stuff on. Today we ventured out onto the back deck and
slid down the stairs on the flying saucer. I think tomorrow, we're going to find some real hills. The weather should be warming up a bit so that we have a good ride home but I'll keep you posted with lots of pictures.
Love and warm hugs to you all!
Steph, Anna, and
It does really say 0 degrees at 11:31 am!
Somewhere in Indiana
Somewhere in Michigan. (and this was not the worst. we could still see the car in front of us. All I have to say is thank God for the Spider!)

Patpat and Mimi's road!
My poor car...

My crazy, beautiful wife.
She did put more clothes on to go "play" (and shovel).
Our evening craft project.
Pat, blowing off the driveway.

Oh no!!! We lost the baby!!!
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