Anyone who knows Jaiden, knows he is TOTALLY obsessed with trucks, specifically, Monster Trucks. We have the most wonderful client base and I am reminded of that on a daily basis. One day, one of our wonderful clients Harold, informed is that the Monster Truck rally was coming to Gainsville and he was getting us all tickets. Mommy was a little less excited about it than Jaiden but still looking forward to it sooo... Off we went to the bit rally...
Let me stop here for a moment a recap my Friday. Most of you know that I am starting a new phase in my life: teaching childbirth classes and providing doula services. Well, my first Hypnobabies students and my first doula clients had their beautiful baby boy at 9:18 on Friday morning. I was up most of the night with them. It is a totally different perspective being on the other side of the table and it was the most amazing birth! Mom started contractions at 10:00 pm and was handling everything wonderfully. I arrived at about 3:15. We got to the hospital at about 5 and she was already 8cm (100% effaced with a bulging bag.) She labored peacefully, with no drugs for the next 2 hours, pushed for then next 2, again with no drugs, and gave birth to a 10 lb. 2 oz baby boy!!! (They were expecting a 7 lb baby girl!) Both parents did so well and I feel so honored to have been a part of the process.
So back to Friday night. I have come down from my "birth high" and was pretty tired but I couldn't miss Jaiden's first Monster Truck Rally... I thought he would either be scared to death or be in hog heaven. Needless to say, it was the latter. We got there early for the pit party so he could meet all of the drivers and see the trucks up close. Earlier in the day, we made Jaiden and Harold's granddaughter sweatshirts with monster tucks on them so they both had to get all of the drivers to sign their hoodies. Jaiden even got to ride in a real Monster Truck.After that was over, we were making out way to our seats and they started the trucks. I don't know who jumped higher, me or Jaiden. I promptly put his earphones on and he didn't resist a bit. In all of the commotion, I forgot to bring the camera so Anna and I were both taking pictures with our phones... Jaiden loved every minuet and I'm sure that was not our last rally. He kept talking throughout the show but I couldn't hear him through the trucks and my earphones. Here are a few of the highlights...
Love and hugs,
Stephanie, Anna, and of course Jaiden Lee

They had a mini monster truck for the kids to sit in. It did come out during the show and it was pretty funny.

and the winner is...
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