Some of you may already know that I am starting down a new road in my life. This year, for my birthday, I went to a 5 day training in Nashville, TN, to become a Hypnobabies Childbirth Instructor. I am so excited and I meet so many wonderful women. While I was up there, Anna and Jaiden came up to visit. (We were all not so sure how we would handle the 5 day separation...) Anna discovered, as I have in the past, that it's not so easy to chase a toddler and take pictures at the same time. They had a great time and did all kinds of neat stuff like the Nashville zoo but alas, no pictures. One night, however, after my class, we ventured off into the wild blue Tennessee yonder and found the GREAT park. Since we were all there, we were able to snap a few pictures. After we came home, we found out that it is one of the biggest parks in TN (and all this other cool stuff that I've since forgotten...) Anyways, here are a few pictures of out TN trip...
Love and hugs to all,
Stephanie, Anna, and Jaiden
Love and hugs to all,
Stephanie, Anna, and Jaiden
We discovered Spinning! :)
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