On Thursday, Grandma came up from Fl. We didn't take and pictures but she brought a present from Great Grandma which was a car-carrier semi-truck that carries 4 monster trucks. Anyone who know Jaiden, knows how appropriate this is/was. As of now, Saturday evening, 2 days later, he can tell you what color each monster truck is, and what make each is, and any combination of the above information. He also had to sleep with the semi-truck portion last night... So Thank you, thank you, thank you great grandma and great grandpa!!! What a hit!
Friday was a bit of a whirl wind. Grandma, Jaiden and I did errands all day long: pick-up groceries, pick-up the cake, pick-up Jaiden's birthday present (which was interesting since he was with us...), and the other usual pre-party stuff...
Today was a great day. The party started at 1:00 and despite all of my worry about not having enough food, there was plenty of food and fun. Everyone had a great time and Jaiden got lots of new toys. For the record, Jaiden did not dive into the cake. He was more interested in the tractor and truck on the top. I'm sure the fun will continue for the next few days while we celebrate our little babies transition into boyhood.
We miss you all and wish you could be here to join in the fun.
Lots of love,
Stephanie, Anna, and Jaiden
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