The other day I was a little upset because people were posting all sorts of things about internet plagiarism and giving the original author credit which I agree with but they took it one step further. Pinterest should delete posts that do not comply. These are probably the same people that support government health care but I digress....
The next day I saw a post (and honestly I can't remember where) that compared the major social media sites. It went something like this:
twitter - I'm eating chocolate
facebook - I like chocolate
foursquare - This is where I'm eating chocolate
instagram - here is a vintage picture of me eating chocolate
youtube - here is a video of me eating chocolate
linkedin - my skills for eating chocolate include...
pinterest - here is a recipe of the chocolate that I will one day make but for now, I'm content with just looking at the pictures and dreaming.
I'm not sure why this bothered me, so lately, I've actually been DOING the things on my pinterest boards. The kids and I made heart shaped cupcakes for Valentines Day, I made constellation cards which I LOVE (not sure about the kids ;) ), we did a glow stick bath, finger painting place mats, and tonight we made banana smores. Yummy!!! (I've got pictures below of everything but the banana smores because we ate them too fast. ) So if you are so inclined, you can look me up on pinterest at