As I write this, it is Christmas evening 2010. I was just looking back at my blog and I realized just how long it's been since my last post. We've been on vacation, had Lilli's first birthday, Thanksgiving and now Christmas so, I will do my best to catch up. This blog is really my attempt at memory keeping so that when I do get around to
scrapbooking, I won't have to remember everything.

I'm going to start with our vacation which we took at the
beginning of August. Once again, we traveled up to Michigan to the Michigan
Womyns Music Festival. This is the last year that
Jaiden will be
able to go into the festival so it was important to me for us to attend. It was also Lilli's first fest. We have gotten to know so many wonderful
womyn up there that it really feels like going home. (I think this was my 8
th year going and
Anna's 15
th?) We took the
RV again which really is the only way to travel. We always take
at least 2 days to travel so we're not rushed. Once, we finally got on the road, we had a great trip. (We had some
RV trouble before we left and thanks to my wonderful neighbors, 8 hours after the
RV was loaded, we finally pulled out of the neighborhood. I was about 5 min short of unloading the
RV and putting everything in the van...)

Anyways, the trip was very smooth and the kids were great. Jaiden LOVES to RV. The first night we drove late while the kids slept and made it to Kentucky. The next morning we got up early and headed to Patpat and Mimi's (aka my cousins house in Grand Haven). We spent a few days with them but as always, it was not long enough. Then, off to the festival.

When you are at the festival, it's like you are in a different world. It is like a little city and it completely run by
womyn (except for the nightly port-a-
jane cleanings which are usually men.) It's hard to
explain but the energy is totally different here. For me, it gives me a chance to "get out the the rat race". Even though I'm staying home with the kids now, you still get caught up in the stuff. It seems like you can't sit down because there is always laundry, dishes, or someone that is hungry, tired, or dirty. Up here, there is no washing
machine and our "house" is a LOT smaller. We cool outside and
don't have to
clean toilets. If we were
vegetarians, we wouldn't have to cook at all but alas, we need meat. Most of the mornings, I got up
early (which is very
unusual for me) and took the
approx 1 mi total hike into "town" to get breakfast. It was a wonderful way to wake up; walking through the forest of Michigan.

There were/are many great workshops and even a few that
Anna and I got to go to. The kids enjoyed there little time in "sprouts" and we enjoyed our kid-free hour or so. I didn't get a chance to take too many pictures there because I just forgot. We were having so much fun. On the land, which is over 500 acres, they have several
labyrinth. One of them way on our way in town which
Jaiden loved. We couldn't go by it without him walking it. Very close to that way the butterfly
nursery so we took the
opportunity to learn about the butterflies life cycle.
As Part of your admission, you are asked to do 2 3-hour work shifts. We always choose to do one in RV where we can help keep that area running smoothly and help the RV newbies. The other work shift we did was brother sun. This is where the boys over 5 and their families camp. We had never been out there and since if we come back, this is where we will be, I thought I'd better check it out. It was much smaller than I though and all of the boys seemed to be having a great time. I'm not sure if we will come back because I really don't like the idea that my son can't come with me just because he is a boy. (I understand it but I don't like it...) So we will just have to see. It is such an amazing place and I'm so glad that we were able to go as a family one more year.

All good things must come to an end to we left the festival and traveled over to
Newago, Mi where Pat and
Sheryl have their cabin. The
picture above was taken about 5 min after we left the festival... Pat and
Sheryl have a wonderful little 1 bedroom home that's on a very small dirt road. We were lucky though to find a campground about a mile away. The next day, Pat came a picked us up and took us to the cabin. Their cabin is right on a stream and the sound of the water is so peaceful. They have a wonderful porch that overlooks their mini waterfall and a bridge that goes across. Anna enjoyed a lot of r&r and
Jaiden and Lilli got to do lots of exploring. (Most of
Lilli's exploring was done from the carrier but...) I did a little of both.

This is the entrance to the house. The balloons were out because Sheryl threw Pat a surprise birthday party the day before.
Sheryl and Jaiden in the boat.
This is the little dirt road so no RV...
Jaiden found or remembered the old red tractor and had to tell us all about it.
After we left the cabin, we headed home. we usually take 2 days to travel so we can stop and be tourists if we want. This year, we decided to stop at Rock City. First we did the Incline Railroad. Jaiden had fun but to him, it was just a train going up a mountain. After that, we headed up to Rock City. Anna had to drive up the mountain and I just closed my eyes... Rock City is a very interesting place: weird but interesting. It was very hot but we had a blast. It's like a maze where some spots are almost too small to get through. At the end of our trek, we all got some ice cream and I finally got my bird house!
It was such an amazing trip! Anna and I are realizing that life is about experiences so to have had this one is a gift I will always treasure. Now, on to the next one.
Love and hugs,
steph, anna, jaiden, and lilli