Here in the Banguilan home, we had a great weekend!!! The weather was perfect so I really wanted to get outside. Saturday, that was not to be but Sunday, that was a different story. We'll start with Saturday though.
We woke up and as usual, Jaiden wanted to hold his little sister. Lilli's personality is just starting to come out and I think she really enjoys these moments too. After the photo shoot, we decided to get up, get breakfast and get showered. We took our first family shower and while I was getting a towel for Lilli, Jaiden found his old froggie towel and couldn't resist. Once again, Anna couldn't resist taking a few more pictures.

Even though I desperately wanted to be outside, I made the decision that we should go to the mall. (I had a little help from Jaiden too.) We decided to go to the "MALL OF GEORGIA" (echo, echo, echo...) We had a great time. At one end of the mall, there is a little kid play place and even though it was packed, the mall was strangely calm and even enjoyable. The highlight of Jaiden's trip was the train though. Going around the kiddie place was a train. I've seen them at outdoor events but I've never seen them inside. There were no tracks so it was run by what looked like a really modified golf cart. None the less, Jaiden (and Anna) had great fun. While they were riding the train, they saw Santa. Who would have guessed that Santa would be out before thanksgiving but Jaiden wanted to go see him so... off we went. It was great! There were no lines! We were in and out in about 20 mins. (The only reason it took so long is because the 1 family in front of us couldn't get their kids to smile. It took them about 15-20 tries... My family - first shot!) Anyway, Santa was great in that he made sure I heard all of Jaiden's 2 requests, none of which I had heard before.
After the Santa excitement, we decided to get some dinner and head home. It was a great day even if it was inside. With that behind us, I decided that Sunday would definitely be spent outside so we decided to go to Stone Mountain. Anna wanted to take Jaiden up the side of the Mountain in the rail cars so, we did. I wasn't sure how he would take it, being up so high, but he did great. This is a quick picture Anna took while we were standing in line. Lilli is in her new sling that Nana made for us. We both LOVE it. (BTW - the fabric that she picked out has pink Lillis on it just for our little flower.)

It ended up to be a perfect day and I swear that we could see all the way to TN. In this picture, you can just barely see the mountains in the distance. We must had sat there for an hour just staring at the sky and enjoying the sun.

Here is the rail car that we rode up on.

Jaiden and Nanay were a bit more adventurous that I was so they went down to the edge where the fence was. You can't tell that she absolutely adores him...
After is got dark, we went over to Cross Roads to have dinner. They too had started their Christmas festivities so the lights were beautiful. We discovered that Jaiden loves to shop. Maybe because that's seems to be all we do but anyways, he loves it. After dark, they had their little Christmas parade which was short and sweet and Lilli even woke up to see it. Anna now calls her roster because her hair sticks up n the back. Even though we are seen more of her eyes, we still can't tell what color they are. I think brown and Anna thinks hazel but we both agree, they are stunning.

Here is a little video of our little girl in "action".
We hope that you are having as much fun as we are!
Love and hugs!!!
Steph, Anna, Jaiden and Lilli