Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You might be addicted it...

You might be addicted if...

you pull up to the Starbucks window and before you get a chance to even think about what you would like, your 2 year old is in the back seat yelling "Decaf Mocha!" (pronounced decafffff moooochaaaaaaaa!!!.)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our weekend in Florida

This weekend, we decided that it would be fun to go visit grand-grand and grand-guy and go to Sea World. Yesterday we spent just hanging out at the pool. Jaiden found his glasses...

Today, we went to Sea World. It was hot, exhausting, amazing and incredibly entertaining. I have a bit of a confession though. the past week, I have been listening to a book on tape called "The last Lecture" by Randy Poush. It was an incredible book and I recommend it to everyone (just be ready to cry). It is a non-fiction book and in it, he talked a lot about childhood dreams. So naturally, I've been trying to think of what mine were/are and I couldn't think of any... Today I remembered. I want to swim with the dolphins. (When I was little, it was to be a trainer for Shamu but...) Anyways, today was amazing. The best part of the day BY FAR was seeing the look in my little boys face of absolute wonder and amazement. Of course he had to find a truck or 2 but I hope I never forget that look and that he never forgets that feeling. Here are just a few picture. I'll probably post to snapfish but I'll keep you posted.
Love and hugs (and childhood dream),
Steph, Anna, and Jaiden

Our Self family portrait.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bubbles on Saturday

Our Saturday morning tradition is now eating breakfast on our new deck. This morning, we included some bubble play.... We got this new toy that makes bubbles in bubbles. Way cool so enjoy the pics...
Love and hugs,
Steph (anna and jaiden)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Littler Hello

I think the video says it all...

Love and Hugs,

Stephanie, Anna and Jaiden

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Goofing around

Sometimes, When Jaiden and I are brushing our teeth, he gets out my bag of barrettes and wants me to put them in his hair. Tonight was no exception. He's even sporting the pink monster truck shirt that Nanay made for him... Even teddy had to join in the fun...

Steph (Anna and Jaiden)

A Little Catch Up

This year, to show our support for our "community", we attended the Atlanta Pride festivities. It was July 4th weekend and this year was a bit different because instead of it being at Piedmont Park (as it has been for so many years past) it was at the Atlanta Civic Center. Many of our friends boycotted the festival because of the new location but we attended. It was a great time and there was even a bit of ac around... One of the places we visited was the Mega Family Project area. They had a great room set up for the kids with lots of activities and snacks. They also had Turner Broadcasting there taking free professional pictures of any families that wanted to step in front of the camera. We were of course game so here are the results. I wasn't sure how they would come out (it being July in Atlanta) but I think they're great!
Stephanie (Anna and Jaiden)